Friday, March 4, 2011

The "Good-Byes" Begin

Hi Everyone,
This afternoon, Crist and I were invited to be a part of a "good-bye" lunch for Corrie and Sami given by the third grade mothers. Sami is in 3rd Grade and this group of moms are very close knit and supportive of one another. Everyone brought something to eat and it was all so good!! This first picture shows the moms (and me - the Grandma!). There are 19 children in the class and with all their siblings present to eat, it seemed like there were 30 children running around.

There's our daughter, Corrie (in the white sweater), in the picture below with many of the moms. These pictures are unusual in the fact that every other time I've seen these woman they are ALWAYS beautifully dressed in Nigerian clothes, but this morning at Hillcrest, was a "Field Day" for the children so all the moms were encouraged to wear very comfortable clothes because everyone was helping with this fun day at the school. I enjoyed seeing the women in this informal setting. You know.....when you get a group of women together, regardless of nationality, there's always plenty to talk about. I know that Corrie will miss these women alot. I've always thought that I'm kind of tall compared to many women, but when I look at that first picture, yikes! I look short, don't I compared to the Nigerian women around me. I bet I've shrunk some as I'm getting older, huh? grin
Tomorrow is a "Carnival" at Hillcrest that one of the grades is putting on as a fundraiser. Corrie sadly told me that there won't be any Elephant Ears to eat, but there will be cotton candy, hot dogs, pizza and other fun foods. Yummy! I made a BIG pot of vegetable soup a few days ago and that's what Crist and I have been eating alot of lately - I'm ready for some junk food!!!
Chat with you soon.
Eileen and Crist

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