Saturday, August 28, 2010

Let Us Introduce You To..........

Hi Everyone,
These pictures were taken this past week of people that are in our lives and who are impacting what we do here and impacting who we are.
Let me introduce you first to Alphonsus - the man above. I wish he had smiled because he has a wonderful smile. He is the B2B driver and each morning John will give him a list of things to do, errands to run, people to transport, etc. He KNOWS this city like the back of his hand and I always feel safer when Alphonsus is driving. Crist is discipling Alphonsus on Thursday mornings and he is growing in his faith and in his understanding of the Bible which is exciting to watch.

Friday was Abigails 38th birthday party. I think I told you previously that she was going to be 41 - I was wrong - she was 38. OLA had a wonderful birthday party for her and several new and old friends showed up to help celebrate with her. She's been at OLA since she was ten and her wonderful spirit, even while in a wheelchair, has been an encouragement to all who meet her.

Danial is in this next picture. He is on staff with B2B and he is the husband of Evelyn and the father of little Daniel who is five months old. Last week the entire staff met at a nearby retreat center and had a day of planning, sharing and fellowship (and, of course, some eating - grin!). That's where this picture was taken. Daniel's participation on staff is crucial as he is from the Rububa Tribe and speaks their language and that is the tribe of the village we minister to. Daniel is a web designer also who has a passion for the Lord and a wonderful sense of humor.
This last picture is of "Big Momma". She is one of the caregivers at OLA with a heart as big as her name. This little girl she is with used to be an orphan at OLA a couple of years ago. Her parents are dead but her grandfather was living and two years ago, he came and claimed her and took her home with him. But recently, from a routine "check" that OLA does from time to time to see how the children are doing when they leave - they found out that this little girl (I'm sorry, I can't remember her name - I only met her for an instance) was being mistreated - so now she is living with Big Momma. And all she did was smile, smile, smile.

Four lives touched by the Master's Hands. Four stories of hope and friendship. Isn't God Good!!
Chat with you soon.
Eileen and Crist

Friday, August 27, 2010

Keep His Song In Your Heart Even When You Feel Like Crying

Hi Everyone,
It sounds like a country western title of a song, doesn't it - that title up above? Early this week several of us went to OLA to figure out some work projects we can do when our work team comes in a week and a half. And just seeing once again how sad things look sometimes can get you down. But there's a gorgeous, brilliant (almost glowing) red bird that is plentiful here in Jos and on the OCC property, there are many of them. I zoomed in with my camera and on this particular tree, that didn't have any leaves, I saw this red bird and he was so easy to spot in the starkness of the barren tree. And he was singing his little heart out.

I think that's a lesson for Crist and I while here in Nigeria. There's alot of "barrenness" here, but God wants us to keep singing for Him even in the midst of stuff that looks sad to us. The second picture up above is of Joseph, who is 10 or 11 years old and he and Daniel, another 10 year old at OLA help SO MUCH with the taking care of the babies. Joseph is standing in the baby room holding Okeechum (spelled phonetically) who just woke up from his nap. These last two pictures are of 1) the bathroom where the children are given their baths. The only problem with this picture is that the water doesn't run from the faucets any longer so the tub is useless except when the older kids stand in it and pour from a bucket rinse water over them as they wash. The toilet isn't working either. The babies are washed on the white sink area in the picture. The blue tub is filled with VERY HOT water and there's another bucket with COLD water and we blend them together as we wash the babies.
The last picture is of 4 year old Hope in the washing machine room. This room, hopefully, will be the target of a good cleaning out and throwing away of junk, new paint on the walls and the washing machine hooked up and ready for use - a work project for the team coming. There are ALWAYS things to be done to improve things at OLA - and with "His song in our hearts", like the redbird in the tree, it will happen.
Eileen and Crist
P.S. Today is Abigail's 41st birthday (she's the lady at OLA in the wheelchair I've shown pictures of before). We're going to her birthday party this afternoon - I'll take pictures - will blog on it soon.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Take Up Your Mat and Go"

Hi Everyone,
Last Thursday, Crist and I went with Moses (Dr. Zamani's son) to do medical supply shopping. They needed some new sleeping mats (there are bedframes for the mattresses to go on but most of the patients prefer to sleep on the mattress on the ground because that's what they're used to at their village home). Moses also got some crutches and within five minutes of returning from the shopping trip - Harry (the picture to the left) was given the new crutches. He was very excited because up to this point, family members were having to carry him wherever he needed to go. Now he can get around on his own and he is!!!

On the way to the stores to get the medical supplies we asked Moses questions about his dad and how he got started. He said 22 years ago, his dad (the father of 12 children) and mother took Moses' oldest brother to the hospital in Jos for a broken arm. After a long while his arm wasn't getting any better so they took him home back to the village. In visions and dreams, the Lord began to speak to his dad and told him what herbs to pick and how to make a poultice and pretty much what he was to do to help Moses' brother. And his brother's arm began to heal and soon others heard of how his dad had helped his brother so people from the village brought their family members for help and healing.

Dr. Zamani continues to pray for each patient and the Lord continues to speak to him in dreams and visions. He has Bible college classes but no formal medical training - but HE HAS THE LORD!!! He serves humbly in this small community. We asked Moses how people paid his dad and he said sometimes they pay with Naira (money), sometimes with chickens and sometimes they do labor around the place once they are better. We love ministering here.
Eileen and Crist

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Building Update As Promised

Hi Everyone,
As promised, here are the pictures of what is going on at the Education Center site. But, of course, FIRST - I have to show you another picture of our wonderful "rocks". Have I told you before how much I love these rocks? grin I never get tired of looking at them. They just calm me somehow. You're just gonna have to come see for yourself!!
The picture to your left is an arial view of the new water tower that is being constructed. Here in Nigeria, you have to have a high water tower so that gravity will force the water down into your home or building. That black cylinder thing on the ground next to the tower will be lifted on top of the tower and water pumped into it. The property has a borehole on it and this is where the water will come from. Boreholes cost $6000 each and few Nigerians have one but with a borehole you get clean water because your water source is deeper in the ground.

The next picture is another arial view of the Viewing Center (white building on the right) and what has been done already to the Education Center. It will be a two room building with a boys and girls bathroom (approximately 1500 square feet). It was to be three rooms, but the costs have necessitated it be smaler.
And to keep the costs as low as possible, we're making our own blocks. Last fall, a work team of men came and they erected block making equipment (pictures below). We've trained and hired some men from the village to make the blocks and the equipment is just 50 yards from the Education Center, so we're not having to transport blocks (which can be costly).
The Viewing Center (we've changed name to Oasis Community Center) (will refer in future to OCC) is next to the village, and unfortunately is 35 minutes from where we live. So the more we become involved with the work of the village, the more trips that we make. But, I guess that's not much different from anyone who has to commute a distance to get to work, right?

Please keep this project in your prayers. God bless each of you. Have a great day in the Lord!!! Chat again with you soon.
Eileen and Crist

Friday, August 20, 2010

"He Makes All Things New!"

Hi Everyone,
Crist says that I try to "explain too much." I can't help it - I think it's a "woman thing." I just don't want you to look at our pictures and think, "Oh, that's nice." I want you to know the story behind the picture - to begin to understand this ministry and what we're doing here. goes - more explanations.
A week ago, we had a ground-breaking ceremony at the B2B property site (where the viewing center is and my WONDERFUL ROCKS are and now where an Education Center is being constructed. At the groundbreaking ceremony is the "Chairman" of the village. In the top picture, he's the man in the brown shirt with the beige circles on it. He brought along a few of his children (he has three wives) plus there were Felani children and village children there too. John gave a short devotion (picture right below) and then there's a picture with Crist, John, Jason, Daniel (with B2B) and Sunday (striped shirt) who is a Christian Nigerian contractor that John has hired to help with the building projects going on. It's different building here in Nigeria and Sunday knows where to find the best laborers and what businesses to do business with. He has been a great help to John.

In three weeks, Will and Theresa Reed, will be joining us here in Nigeria and they will become full-time B2B staff. Theresa's heart will be to tutor the village children at the Education Center. Village children get a very sub-standard education because the school is closed so much of the time. Theresa's efforts will bring hope once again to these little ones. Will wants to get involved with the village and will be building relationships and outreaches. My next blog will show how much progress has been made since these pictures were taken. The building site is already beginning to take shape - it's all very exciting to see God at work in this part of the world. How blessed to be a part of His work!!
Chat with you soon!
Eileen and Crist

Monday, August 16, 2010

Some More Of "This and That"

Hi Everyone,

It seems like we spend alot of time on the road getting to the village, or the Viewing Center or to do shopping, or go to OLA or the Doctor's compound. We're not always doing "ministry", alot is just "doing life" so we keep our camera handy so we can just show you how living here in Jos, Nigeria is for us. Here are a few pictures to just capture what we see around us.

One of the main routes we take each day takes us by the top picture. It's just a view of the rooftops as far as you can see. There are some muddy roads that wind through the area getting people to their homes and somewhere in there (but you can't see it) is a muddy river that is a source for alot of car washings, baths and maybe even drinking water for some.

The picture to the right is a cooking hut by the Doctor's compound. Most Nigerian cooking is done outside under some sort of palapa and, as you can see, this is also the "drying station". This is common is Nigeria. Since electricity is scarce and inconsistent, dryers are useless so any big rock or tree becomes the "dryer". Hey - it works!

This picture below makes me smile. Last week, Dorcas and I went walking and we just walked down the street into another "development" - more country with more bushes and grasses. As
we were walking along, there by the side of the road were wild marigold plants - several here and there, just sticking out of the muddy ravine near the road. Dorcas is always looking for flowers and plants for their compound, so she went over and began pulling the marigolds from the side of the road (roots and all). I began to help her and we each left with two or three good sized plants, carrying them in our hands as we walked along. When I got home a few minutes later, Atukum (one of our guards), came quickly and dug two holes in front of Corrie and John's house, and we planted them. Within a matter of minutes almost the plants were standing straight and tall and two days later we had buds and then they bloomed. I grin because this isn't the way we do it in the states, is it? We have to go to Lowe's Hardware or Wal-Mart to get our plants. Nope! Here, if you see it - you just pick it! Kind of fun! Alot less expensive too!


Eileen and Crist

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Ask and you shall receive."

Hi Everyone,
"......wash me, and I will be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7b
Weekly we do ministry with OLA, the childrens' home about 1/2 hour from where we live. Picture, if you will, six in diapers and five more older children and NO washing machine. They used to have one but it broke a long while back and now each day, when the kids have had their baths, they just take the leftover water and put all the soiled clothes and sheets, etc. and put them in the water and wash it all by hand. Nothing gets really clean; it made us sad. I blogged about their predicament a few months ago and some very lovely people came forward and provided the funds for the washing machine to be purchased. Thank you, thank you!
Once we notified Sister Fidelia that there were funds for a washing machine, she went and picked out what they thought would be sufficient. We were all very attracted to the years'
warranty that was provided - which most of the time is NOT given. So this past Thursday, Crist and I and Alphonsus went to pick up the washing machine at the store and then met up with Sister Fidelia who was in town with a truck and she took it to OLA. The second picture shown was taken at the store with the two sales clerks and the top picture shown is of me and Sister Fedelia.
We're hoping that in the near future when we have a work team here, that this might be a project to tackle - to clean, paint and make almost like new a functional and clean room to do the washing. The room they have now isn't very nice at all and just needs some attention given to it. Little by little God's work is being accomplished.
Chat with you again soon.
Eileen and Crist

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Be At Peace With All Men

Hi Everyone,
"Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14

Weekly, Crist (and sometimes me too) goes to the village and prays with the doctor's patients and then he'll go to visit with Pastor Dauda and they'll pray together. We, at Back2Back Ministry, want to become more involved in the lives of the widows and orphans in the village and find ways that we can minister to them without just "giving things away." Yesterday, Crist and Pastor Dauda went to the Catholic Church in the village and met and prayed with the Priest, Simon. The ECWA Church and the Catholic Church work together when needs arise and there is friendship between the two pastors.
Crist was thankful to be able to go meet Simon and have prayer with him and learn a little bit more about his congregation. He said that he has 18 widows in his fellowship and Pastor Dauda said that his church (also, the one that we attend) has 20 widows. In the weeks ahead, we are hoping to be able to meet with the widows and learn more about their lives and what assistance B2B might be able to help them with. The first picture up above is of Pastor Dauda and the priest, Simon, with his church in the picture right below. God is up to something and we're excited to be a part of His work. Pray for patience (for me). I like things to move alittle faster than things in Nigeria do. Give us eyes to see when and where the Lord is leading.
A side note: I'm feeling saddened this afternoon. This morning on the road with Alphonsus to do some shopping, we noticed alot of commotion up ahead in the road. When we finally arrived to where the crowd was gathering, we noticed a body on the side of the road with his face covered. We don't know any of the particulars - if they were hit by an Achaba (motorcycle) or a car or how it happened; but someone was dead and there is a family right now that is hurting and grieving. Then I wondered, "Did they know Jesus?" "Where is their eternity being spent?" It can happen so quickly!
As we went shopping this morning and I paid at the register for what was purchased, it struck me once again how very blessed we are for all the financial support that has been given us and continues to be given. Your generosity allows us to buy our groceries - THANKS! (Crist got his M&M's - his one vice - grin!)
Eileen and Crist

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Changed Life

Hi Everyone,

Meet Emmanuel. He lives in the Kisayhip village and washes cars for a living and also has just recently been hired by Back2Back Nigeria to be the part-time "manager" of the Viewing Center at the village. Emmanuel is different than the others boys at the car wash. His mother left his father and his family was split up. His father and brother turned to a life of alcohol but Emmanuel chose to be different; he wanted something better. A Christian man raised him, and Emmanuel has modeled his life after this mentor. He is one of the "good guys"; someone people trust and admire. When we started looking for someone to help with our Community Center, Emmanuel became a key role in running and maintaining it for all of the World Cup matches. He has a vision for his community and he desires to see the children become something more than what he sees himself. When Jason, our Field Director, asked more about that desire, Emmanuel said, "if these children don't get an education, then they will wash cars like me and that is where it will end."

Emmanuel is one of the young men that Crist and Jason are discipling on Tuesday afternoons through Bible Study and sharing. How exciting it is when the Holy Spirit begins to work in the heart of an individual - whether it's in Pinehurst, USA or Jos, Nigeria. Pray for Emmanuel to be strong in the Lord and consistent in his walk of faith.


Eileen and Crist

Monday, August 9, 2010

This and That

Hi Everyone,
Today is another rainy "Winnie the Pooh" day. August is the REAL rainy season month so I haven't taken many pictures lately. So I went through some of our pictures to see what I haven't shared with you before. The picture up above is the "percussion" section at the ECWA village church we attend. These instruments are made from/with gourds, beans, a piece of pottery with a sponge (that's the bass drum - sounds really good too) and a bongo drum. All women play the instruments and do the singing. I don't think that this is the case in most of the churches, but since this church is very small and there aren't alot of men attending, the women are the ones who fill these roles.

This next picture is another update of the apartments being built on the B2B compound around the corner from where we live. It's really coming along. The rain hinders somewhat the progress, but unless it's a torrential downpour, they continue on with what they're doing. I love that tree right there in the middle, don't you? And this last picture is of our local Christian Bookstore. There is a mission agency here in Jos (probably the biggest missions presence here) called SIM and they have many many things that they are involved in. One of their outreaches is this bookstore. All the materials are printed in India so much of their Christian fiction is about six months behind but the teaching materials and Bible Studies are fairly current. Crist is discipling Alphonsus (the B2B driver) once a week and they're soon to be finished going through together "The Bondage Breaker" by Neil Anderson. Saturday we went to the bookstore and Crist got the materials they will begin soon - "God's Power to Change Your Life" by Rick Warren. There is MUCH spiritual bondage here in Africa and almost like doing Freedom Weekend at Grace Church, Crist, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, is having to slowly go through a similar process with Alphonsus. It's exciting to see Light and Truth becoming a reality in this man's life.

Thanks for your prayers for Crist and I. Until the next time.....
Eileen and Crist

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pastor Dauda and Ladi Update

Hi Everyone,
Three weeks ago, I shared with you about how our Pastor Dauda and his wife, Ladi, were in an Achoba (motorcycle) accident. Someone sideswiped them and took off, leaving the two of them in the middle of the road hurt and alone. Some one came and took them to the hospital and Pastor Dauda was released after five days. Ladi had to stay two and a half weeks because the sole of her left foot was sliced open lengthwise and she had many stitches and they wouldn't release her until they took the stitches out.

Last week she returned home and for two weeks she is not allowed on her foot so they took the little sofa they had in their living area out and put on the floor a mattress for Ladi to lay on for the two weeks. Someone has very graciously come forward and has paid for the motorcycle to be repaired and for the hospital bills. This is a tremendous burden that has been taken from their shoulders. The pictures I am including are of their motorcycle (can't really see where the damage is - but it's not working, that's for sure) and also pictures of Pastor Dauda and Ladi in their little living space.
Besides this little living room, there is a small little bedroom and their bathroom is outside and their cooking is done outside under a little roofed area. Continue to lift them up in your prayers please.
Crist this coming week will be meeting with Pastor Dauda and the two of them are "going visiting" for Crist to meet the Catholic Priest in the village and hopefully for the three of them to pray together.
Eileen and Crist
Psalm 37: 40 says, "The Lord helps them and delivers them;he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Each One Is Special

Hi Everyone,
Remember a week and a half ago I blogged on Esther, who had just "graduated" into a higher level at school and we went to her graduation. Unbeknownst to us and Sister Fedelia, Daniel that week had also received a very high honor at his school and because OLA was not notified, there was no recognition at all of his achievement. Sister Fedelia felt bad, so invited us last week to a party that would honor Daniel, as well as Esther, for their hard work.

In the picture above is Sister Fedelia, Esther and Daniel that was taken before the party began. And what a party it was!!! After people had a time of sharing and congratulating Esther and Daniel, all the caregivers came out and began setting up tables, bringing in food and minerals (soda) and distributing the food to each of us. After a few minutes, it became apparent that this was also a party honoring those of us at Back2Back. Sister Fedelia gave a lovely, heartfelt appreciation talk thanking us for coming along side OLA and for helping them begin to achieve some of their plans for being self-sustaining, as well as the improvements that were being made.

They had even hired a photographer to come and take pictures of the group. The picture at the very top is of all of us; caregivers, B2B staff, children and friends. And last week a new baby was brought to the Childrens' Home. He is a newborn and his name is Lucky. Sarah, in the picture above, is holding him. (Sarah is in the middle.) It was a special afternoon with special friends at OLA. How blessed we are to be a part of God's plans at OLA!
Eileen and Crist

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Building Update

Hi Everyone,
The photo on the left shows what the two-apartment bldg. project looked like last Tuesday. And the picture right below shows what it looked like yesterday. I walked to the property during this past week while they were laying the blocks and as soon as they opened the doors and I entered the compound, there was such a sense of busy-ness and even fun. There were probably five or six women working carrying the cement and blocks on their heads back and forth to the masons and four masons working laying the blocks and probably four young men mixing the cement and pushing wheelbarrows to and fro. Everyone knew what they were supposed to do and it was getting done. I enjoyed watching them.

John is hoping to get it under roof by the end of this coming week. There is still much to get done. Will and Theresa will be arriving to come on full-time with Back2Back sometime in early September. They will be getting one of the apartments. Jason and Emilee, the Directors here for Back2Back will move from the bigger house where the teams stay into the other apartment. With a one-year old toddler, Peyton, walking around, they decided it would be easier for their family when the teams come, to live in a separate place away from the teams.

It's fun watching something grow from almost nothing into something with purpose and definition. Watching the apartments grow is fun to watch but it won't impact me or change me. However, watching the faith journeys grow of many of the people the Lord has directly put into our paths - this is something that is hard to express. Alphonsus, Emmanuel, Dauda, 11 children without parents - all of these in someway the Lord is touching through this ministry.
Have any of you ever considered coming to Nigeria for a visit and seeing how the Lord might use the witness of your life to advance His Kingdom in this part of the world? Pray about might just be the right time for you.
Eileen and Criust
"My Father never stops working, and so I keep working, too." John 5:17