Monday, June 21, 2010

Let's Go Visit OLA Again!

Hi Everyone,
Sometime this week, we'll be going to OLA (the Children's Home), and this is a ministry that is very special to all of us. As we go each week and begin to get to know the staff and children a little bit better, we're recognizing God's hand in putting us all together. People are people, wherever you live and we all just need to help and love one another. Little Mary is in the left picture and she's about 14 months old, has malaria and hardly weighs anything. She seems so fragile because she's so small, and I'm beginning to love her alot. Abigail is to the right and she is probably in her 30's, has lived at the children's home for a very long time and she has some physical deformities that keep her in her wheelchair. But she is the official "greeter" and she knows each of the little ones and all the children look up to her and take care of her needs.
The bunkbed picture is where the older boys live and there is another room like this for where the older girls live. Nothing fancy at all - just bunk beds - no rugs or pictures - just bunk beds. Sometimes we see sheets on the bunks and many times we don't. The kids really do seem happy; they've never known anything else and they have each other and that seems to be enough for them.

This picture to the left is the building that houses the children at OLA. You walk into the front doors and many times Abigail will be sitting right there near the entrance in her wheelchair. It's painted pink. To the left of this building there is some land (will have to get a picture of it all soon for another blog) where Back2Back has helped them build a chicken coop building, and a catfish fishery. They will sell the catfish as they mature at the market and the money will go back to the Children's Home. Their first fish have been sold and we had some of the catfish the other night for dinner and it was YUMMY!
Well, I guess I've rambled on long enough. We just wanted you to see a bit more of OLA. Chat with you soon!
..."I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
Eileen and Crist

1 comment:

  1. Awww, i have such a heart for children like this. is there anything we can do to help? send donations? maybe a care package with sheets/toys/etc? let us know!
