Thursday, June 10, 2010

"It is Appointed unto men once to die."

Hi Everyone,

We have a Nigerian man on staff with Back2Back, Daniel, and on Monday his 35 year old sister, Martha Peace, died of typhoid and yesterday was her funeral. Her home church was downtown (picture to right) so we all went to support Daniel. What an encouraging and comforting funeral service it was.
We had never met Martha but after the service, we felt like we had. Daniel gave a brief eulogy at the beginning of the service and then there were several testimonies given by people who had worked or served with her. Martha was one of 9 children and her life was one of service and discipleship. She had never married but she will one day have many "children" in heaven who will testify to her impact on their lives.
The church was crowded and you could tell that Martha's life had touched many in the community. Crist and I both felt moved to tears several times during the service. The Holy Spirit's presence was so sweet. In ECWA churches, during weddings, funerals, or any solomn occasion, many pastors, high and low in the hierarchy of the church, come and speak or say a prayer. And this was true for yesterday. The pastor who gave the sermon spoke excellent English so he would speak both in English and Hausa. It was an excellent salvation message and was so straightforward.
The service lasted almost two hours but felt like less. Our first day in Nigeria we had been invited to a wedding (were unable to go, however, because of our travel delays) and now five weeks later, we were attending a funeral. Life's full cycle in a month. Amazing! But whether you live in the United States or here in Nigeria, the message is still the same. How are we living our lives? Are we leaving a legacy that will impact eternity? I'm looking forward to one day meeting Martha Peace in heaven and getting to know her!
Be blessed!
Eileen and Crist

1 comment:

  1. we miss you guys! but it sounds like you're having some amazing experiences. God bless! -tori and dean
