"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge." Psalm 19:1-2
This is truly a dry and dusty land but there is alot of beauty just waiting for us to discover. We were laying in bed last night and the window is right above our bed and I could look up and out and see all the stars and it was so beautiful. Without all the lights like we have in the states, you can REALLY see the stars at night here. I remember when we went to Kenya five years ago, Bill Leusink went also and he would show us the different constellations and as you see heavens' splendor, it's hard not to feel small and puny in comparison. God sure created magnificent wonders, didn't He?
Now the little green creature up above, this we encountered a few days ago as we were driving back from the village. It was the strangest sight. He was walking with his head up and very very slowly - not at all concerned with us talking and taking pictures. He put one foot down and then the other and it was soooooo cute! Bill, do you have any idea what type of lizard he might be? We were wondering if he was a chameleon. I called him the "beast" up above, but really he wasn't. I wonder if there were two of them on the ark with Noah?
This afternoon we travel to the doctor's place and to visit the Pastor - this is becoming part of our routine now and we enjoy this time of ministry. People are showing up at the Viewing Center to watch the World Cup and we're thankful that this outreach is continuing.
Back2Back is having all of their work teams through this year do a Bible Study on "Hunger" and Crist and I are doing it also. A question for you - "Are we hungering for less sin or more Jesus?" We've been thinking about that the past few days. I'm not sure what all of this has to do with flowers and lizards, but that's okay! It's all about God and His wonderful plans for you and me.
Eileen and Crist
You are doing a great job! Love the postings! Nice flowers! Wish there was some way we could help from here, but I guess prayer is the only way. Be safe and walk with God!