There are around 70 acres of land that have been donated to Back2Back and on this property (next to the Kissayhip Village) is the Oasis House (picture above is where the Viewing Center will be) and hopefully eventually an entire campus. But for now, on this property are huge boulders that are truly fascinating. Just looking at the pictures, you can't get a feel for how HUGE they are. Many of the boulders are like a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces of these huge boulders just fit together. You can imagine "The Flood" coming and when the waters receded, these large rocks just all kind of fell into and on top of each other.
This large pile to the left is very high. Picture a grown person down by that tree on the left bottom corner and the tree is much taller than the person. That will give you a better understanding of how high this is.
Right now we are preparing for the "Open House" which will take place next week for the Viewing Center. (Top picture shows the main room where the screen is - there is an overflow room right behind this room) This will be a place where people from the village can come and watch the World Cup matches and after those are over, there will be other events to televise. We're getting the people from the village involved because that is the only way for this to be successful. Eventually, we'll have women doing some cooking and the food will be sold and the proceeds go back to the village. We'll have people from the village overseeing the events; some for making sure the property is clean and safe, others for registering people etc.
At the open house we will be having televised testimonies of some of the Christian World Cup Soccer players and we're hoping to have later on some other ways to share the Gospel with those who come. Please pray for this endeavor. It has great potential and we're excited what God will do with this outreach.
Can you believe that we've been in Nigeria now for one month? Many of the "kinks" have been worked out and alot of the "me me syndrome" (wanting things the way they are back home) has been weeded out. God continues to work on Crist and I - praise the Lord that He loves us enough to do that!! See you next time!
Eileen and Crist
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