Saturday, November 20, 2010

Some things To Chat About

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to share with you all some of the things that have been happening around here this past week. In many respects, life here has its own routine just like in the states and much of our days are spent with this routine. The picture above is of the women I do Bible Study with on Tuesday mornings at 6:15 am (yes! you heard right - that early - grin). Our daughter, Corrie, is to the right in the orange shirt and she leads the study on I Peter. She does an awesome job and I'm learning so much as we're studying this book inductively. Having two Nigerian women in the study with us is opening up so much discussion!

This past week we also had two birthdays in the family. Sami turned nine years old and John turned 47 (oops - sorry John - I meant to say 38!) We were invited to both parties and besides not having to cook (hooray!), it's always special I think to celebrate with family. Sami got a fish tank with three gold fish and some fuzzy bear slippers. I think she was thrilled!

This other picture of a tree with orange blossoms is one of those fun things here in Africa. This tree is located on the Hillcrest School campus. During the rainy season it's just a green tree - not particularly pretty, but when the hot dry reason comes (we're in it now!!) all of a sudden all these BRIGHT ORANGE flowers appear. In another week or so it will be completely covered and look like a big orange flower. It's beautiful, especially since in the dry season everything else seems to get brown, dusty and yuckky and then to see this beautiful bright tree - it just makes you smile! I love it!!
Well, we're getting ready to go to church in the village once again so I better git going. I just wanted to share this past week with you. Be blessed and chat with you again soon!
Eileen and Crist

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being at all of our birthday parties. It is fun having you here not just for ministry but for family as well.
