Sunday, February 6, 2011

Revolutionary Love

Hi Everyone,
Our B2B Staff Retreat was from Thursday through yesterday so that's why you haven't heard anything from us. But we're back and we'll share abour our retreat in a later blog. But this blog is about something we think is really neat in how God works His perfect plans in the lives of His children. B2B feels very strongly about not just handing out things to the people of the village. That's not what we're about - but we do very much want to respond when we see God working and there's a need. A couple of weeks ago at the Tuesday afternoon mens' Bible Study, several of the village car wash boys were in attendance and they happened to mention that because of some skirmishes that had been happening recently, people weren't "out and about" as much so the business at the car wash was down dramatically and it was really hard for them. Many of them were going hungry and since some support their families, that means their families were going hungry as well. Our B2B Community Development team met and decided this was something we could and should respond to. These young men were part of our outreach as they attend the Bible study.

Last Wednesday, many of the B2B men met at the Oasis Viewing Center to put together a bag of rice, oil, Maggi Cubes, sugar and Raman noodle packages. These pictures show the progress of that day. Measured rice was put into a bag, oil was put into empty coke bottles and other items sorted out and put into the yellow bags. The team then went to the carwash, where 30 bags were handed out to the young men there. It was important that these young men see that God had answered their prayers by His provisions.

This picture above is of the men that attend the Bible Study. I LOVE it when God shows up in a mighty way. Many of you, by your financial giving, were part of this love offering. Thank you so much.
Chat with you again soon.
Eileen and Crist

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