Sunday, February 20, 2011

OLA Training Morning

Hi Everyone,

Last week, Emilee, Corrie, Linda and I went to OLA with tea and muffins to help train the OLA caregivers to learn to use the new donated cloth diapers. Right now they use essentially rags as diapers and within minutes the diapers are soaked through and the babies' bedding and clothes are soiled and wet. In the picture above you can see Linda demonstrating how to use them. She is Nigerian so was able to speak in the native Hausa language. We allowed the women to ask as many questions as they wanted and we had them change some of the children's diapers while we were there to make sure they had the hang of it. It's not always easy to make changes to a routine you have had for a long time. But, we wanted the caregivers to see the advantages in making this change. Their wash load will lessen dramatically.

Remember in a couple of blogs ago I mentioned that I didn't have a current picture of the changing tables in the newly renovated baby room? Well, now we do and it's the picture up above. In the past the women would change the diapers in whatever bed was handy and many times would leave soiled or wet sheets behind. They really liked the changing tables and we also brought new sheets and waterproof mattress pads.

The picture up above on the left side is of our daughter, Corrie (she and family are here with B2B also - I think most of you knew that, right?) and she is holding the newest OLA child, James. He was brought to OLA just the day before. We're thinking he is between one year and 18 months but he could be even older - he's just so petite and small, that it's hard to tell. His mother is unable to care for him anymore and he was brought to the Childrens Home. Can you imagine how frightening that must be for the little guy. All of a sudden to be surrounded by new faces you've never seen before. See the woman in green to the right in the picture above - her name is Rachel (some call her Big Momma) and she is probably the oldest caregiver at OLA. I really like and admire this woman. She has a strong faith which sustains her daily. A few months ago her 35 year old son was killed in an automobile accident but she continues on - serving and loving. When this picture was taken, Rachel was suffering from malaria and she wasn't feeling well at all - but she came to the training to learn what she could.
It was a good morning of shared laughter, learning and fellowship. Corrie and I will be again going to OLA this week and we're excited and hopeful that the new diapers are being used and helping to make these women of OLA's lives a little easier. They sure could enjoy things a little easier.
Eileen and Crist

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