This is my friend, Ladi. She is Pastor Dauda's wife and we've shown pictures of she and her husband before. Remember she is the lady that was hurt in the motorcycle accident probably six or seven months ago. She is still recovering from it. She very severely sliced open her left foot and she still is using crutches when she walks. She had a wound that they have been allowing to heal from within so it's been a laborious process watching the wound very slowly close up (somewhat). It's just about finished but I'm thinking that there is still alot of pain associated with it because Ladi is fearful of putting any weight on her foot. I really think she could do it, but it's a hard decision right now for her to make. Ladi speaks very little English and, of course, I speak about 5 or 6 words in Hausa so our times together aren't filled with lots of wordy conversation, but I love just being around her. She is the most upbeat woman you will ever meet and her smile is ever present when anyone is near. She is always wanting to hug and love on you. After church on Sunday, I had Crist take this picture above of the two of us. The dress she has on is an ECWA Womens' Fellowship dress. There were probably another twenty woman wearing the same dress on Sunday. The women and all other ECWA women in Jos last week had an ECWA Womens' Conference and so their dressing in the same dress was in celebration of that experience. I wish all of you could see the beautiful colors and patterns that are in the dresses that Nigerian women wear. They're gorgeous!
I value Ladi and our friendship and I know I will miss her hugs and smiles alot when we leave in a few weeks. I remember Michael W. Smith's song that says, "A Friend's a Friend Forever When The Lord's the Lord of them!" Amen.
Eileen and Crist
You are gorgeous in African attire, Eileen. You all have done an amazing amount in such a short time! I am sure you will be missed dearly!