Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Potpouri (Did I spell that right?)

Hi Everyone,
It's time once again for "a little bit of this and a little bit of that." It's always fun to see random pictures that were taken with no real purpose in mind but to just let you see a bit more about our life here in Jos.
The picture to the left is of our B2B property where we hope to one day soon begin building a dormitory and meeting/eating facility, as well as staff housing, so we can all be together in one location. This property was donated by a Christian Nigerian who now lives in the United States.

The next two pictures are of MOLD/fungus that is EVERYWHERE during the raining season. The shoes belong to Crist and they were BROWN Hushpuppies shoes (once the color of the shoelaces). The shoes were stored on the floor underneath where we hang our clothes. We've had mold on most leather items - but you can pretty much just wipe it clean and you're good to go - but these shoes - ugh! I'm sorry - they got pitched! Crist said they were really comfortable shoes too. grin The green fungus in the other picture is on all the outside walls and even on some of the inside walls (only the color is different inside). Once the dry season begins, it will dry up and turn black. If we scrape it too closely to remove it, then you lose all your paint.

I thought you were due an update on how the Education Center was coming along. It's looking more and more like a building and the work team coming this weekend will be working on it next week. Theresa is very excited to begin teaching/tutoring the children there upon its completion.
Will and Theresa just arrived from the U.S. two weeks ago and they're full time staff now with B2B. Theresa is a teacher and Will will be working in the village and captaining one of the children's homes. Having two more enthusiastic hands and hearts working here is such an encouragement.

So, this last picture is of Will and Theresa having dinner with us last night. We played cards afterwards which was fun.
Just for your information, Crist's 64th birthday is this coming Saturday (Happy Birthday Randy Thornton too - they share the same birthday!).
Eileen and Crist

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