Yes, being on staff with B2B means we do ministry (but you do too, right?), and we come alongside our new Nigerian friends and help where the Lord directs (but you do too, with your friends, right?) - I guess the big difference between you and us is that we're living in Africa. In between our ministry times, we lead ordinary lives, doing ordinary, everyday things (just in a different way - grin).
The picture above is the bakery that we like to go to. There are MANY bakeries here in Jos. This is where you buy your bread and rolls. We were told, this is Nigeria's "fast food". At the bakery, you can buy an already prepared sandwich (something with onions, some minced beef and spices). This particular bakery, The Ostrich Bakery, is on our way home from church and we usually stop in and get the BEST rolls. There are five to a package and we'll rush home and have an egg salad sandwich on these fresh, yeasty rolls - wonderful (it satisfies us mentally - you know what I mean?). This bakery is also owned by a Chinese family - go figure.
The picture of the Mini-Mart below is one of the three or four grocery stores we shop at. It is actually called Mini-Tamerash. The big Tamerash is in downtown Jos. They are both owned by a Christian Lebanese family. There are MANY wealthy Lebanese in Jos and they own alot of the restaurants and stable businesses. At Mini-Tamerash, there are only a few of each item, but surprisingly, alot of what we need each week, we can get there and we don't have to fight (I mean that almost literally) all the traffic of downtown Jos.
Now, the picture of the cows is ON THE LITTLE ROAD WE LIVE ON! We were coming home after shopping and we literally had to stop the car because there were close to 100 cows walking briskly down our street. When was the last time you saw this on your street - grin? And then at the end of the line, were two young Falani boys with sticks urging the cows on. Amazing.
I think I did this blog to show you that we do ordinary things, like you and no matter where you live, God still wants the same from both of us - to abide in Him. John 15:4 says, "Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me." In ministry, in ordinary life situations, whether in the U.S. or in Nigeria - we are still to "Abide in Him." He will be our Peace, our Joy, our Comfort, and our Strength. Be blessed today in whatever you are doing and we pray that you will "abide in Him."
Eileen and Crist
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