Well, last Friday a work team of five people arrived and everyone hit the road running. From sun-up to sun-down, we kept them and ourselves busy. Over the next few blogs, we'll show you some of the projects we were apart of. To the right is the Executive Director of B2B (John's identical twin brother, Todd) and it was fun to see people's reactions seeing the two brothers together.
One day we went to the OCC (Oasis Community Center) where an Education Center is in the process of being built. And I'll have you know that yes - one of those people in the picture aboved is ME (Eileen) laying plastic water pipes from the water tower near the Ed. Center to the water tower downhill where the block makers are making blocks. This particular day it was sunny and warm, so I worked up a nice sweat.
The picture to the left, is the roof going on to the duplex at the ministry center. Today Crist, will be going with the driver to take the team back to Abuja so they can catch their flights tonight, and planned perfectly, will be Will and Theresa who arrive from the U.S. They are the newest full-time staff for our team here in Nigeria and they will be living in one of the apartments being built (the apt. to the right).
These last two pictures show what happens to you as a work team member (only kidding). That's Andy's (a workteam member)backside sticking out of the water tower before it was put into position. He actually was doing some crucial work inside the cylinder but it sure makes for a good picture, huh? And here's the water tower in its completion. Another step finished toward seeing the Education Center up and ready.
We have a two week break and then on Oct. 1st another work team of ten members will be arriving. Whew! Crist and I are feeling our age. grin.
Chat with you soon!
Eileen and Crist
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