Monday, September 13, 2010

The Eyes Tell It All!

Hi Everyone,
We have a team this week, so this is the perfect time (since I don't have alot of time to write much on this blog) to introduce you to the little and "big" kids at OLA. Each one is precious to God and precious to B2B and precious to me!
You've met Abigail before - she's 38, spends most of her life in a wheelchair and has been at OLA since she was ten years old - everyone knows this lady and loves her!

The young lady below is Esther and we think she's around 18 and just graduated from one level and will be we think in the 9th grade this year. She has sickle cell anemia so has missed alot of school in the past so that is why she is in a lesser grade. Next is Okechee. He's about four months old and is the sweetest baby - always smiling and gurgling. Claire is next. Her picture is below Okechee's to the right. I feel sad when I share about Claire. She is deaf and blind but when someone holds her for a while, she will stop making noises and her body begins to relax. Most of the time she is in a fetal position and her body is very rigid. I'm so thankful she is in the palms of the Savior's hands. I pray she can feel His love and ours.

Then comes this handsome fellow, Daniel. He is such a wonderful help to the caregivers at OLA. He is always getting clean clothes or a toy or whatever is asked of him for the younger kids. And boy oh boy does he ever have an impish smile. I love it!

Joe is to the left and he and Daniel are buddies. I always wonder why someone doesn't come and adopt them. They're great little boys!
Probably the child that most captures my heart is Little Mary (since there are two Mary's - we call one "Big" Mary (she is the larger of the two babies) and "Little" Mary. She and Big Mary are about the same age but this one is very petite and more developmentally behind. But she is the sweetest little girl.
Kenny is the little guy below. He is about 2 1/2 and has one leg that is not fully developed so he has to crawl everywhere. He's a cutie but really likes to have his own way and when he doesn't get it - man oh man - can he ever through a temper tantrum!

And, last but not least, is "Big" Mary. She just started walking (we think she's about 14 months old) and a few months ago she was afraid of all of us, but now she's used to us and is sooo animated! We just heard that she might be the next to be adopted. That's so exciting.
There's one more baby, Lucky. I had him on the blog, but by mistake, erased him (sorry Lucky) and can't put him back in so I'll just describe him. Lucky is two months old and is the newest baby to be left at the OLA hospital. He's still at the sleeping most of the time stage - but he's as beautiful as all the others.
"The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is good, your whole body is also full of light; but when it is bad, your whole body is also full of darkness." Luke 11:34
These eyes above are eyes of good. Thank you Lord for each child!
Eileen and Crist

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