Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Great Week!

Hi Everyone,
I can't help it - I have to show you these rocks - cute picture, huh?
Last week a group from the Next Chapter Church were here and this blog shows just a little bit of what happened while they were here. They were a GREAT TEAM, worked hard and were a lot of fun.
Some of the things that they did was work at the Education Center doing digging, painting and playing with the kids. At the RCH they did some electrical work on this childrens' home that is in the process of being built. At OLA we had a party with the kids and played with them one afternoon.

Another afternoon we went to the village and had an outreach for the widows from the two churches (our ECWA church and the Catholic Church). Twenty-Nine widows arrived (with a whole village of children) and they each had their picture taken, had individual prayer with someone from the staff or the team and they received a bag with food items in it. While ministry was being done inside the church with the widows, ministry was also taking place outside the church with the children that had shown up.

One of the day's lunches was Suya (picture to the right) which is a shish-ka-bob stick with pieces of beef on it that have been seasoned and fried over a fire. Served with that are raw onions, "chips" - deep fried potatoe wedges (Crist's personal favorite - of course - you know how he loves his potatoes), and "puff puffs", which are donut holes without icing or sugar coating. They're slightly sweet and I really like them. This is a favorite Nigerian meal - but pretty much for those not in the village - meat is very expensive here - so not many Nigerians eat it.

Remember when in the U.S. they used to try to see how many people they could get in a VW Beetle? Well, in Nigeria it's "how many people can you get on one achoba? It's not at all uncommon to see people riding on these small motorcycles carrying goats, mattresses, sofas, panes of glass and many many children. Amazing!

There were times for personal devotions on the boulders (another "rock" picture - yea!!!), times of souvenir shopping, lots of ministry, good food and an occasional good night's sleep. It was a GREAT WEEK and we give God all the glory, honor and praise!!

Chat with you soon.
Eileen and Crist

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