Boy oh boy - was I ever wrong!!! I think in the last two blogs I have mentioned that the rainy season is officially over and blue skies here we come!! Not so!!! We are sitting in our apartment just giggling almost because it is pouring down rain in one of the hardest downpours we have had all season. When we woke up this morning it was sunny and so pretty. And for about two hours it was a gorgeous beginning to the day. But really quickly it started getting darker and the winds began blowing and then the heavens just opened up and it feels like gale force winds now. I've closed all the windows in our apartment because it's getting COLD - can you believe that - in Africa no less!
So, now I don't have to feel guilty anymore about the rain - I've fessed up. MAYBE the rainy season is taking a bit longer than we thought. grin
Be blessed. Chat with you soon.
Eileen and Crist
I found your blog a while back because I'm always on the lookout for items about Jos. Our daughter lives there as well; and, in fact, we are visiting her right now...Mary Beth O. I got a kick out of your post a couple days I was reading that the rains were over, I was listening to the rain on our roof! This rainy season is surprising everybody, and we are enjoying freedom from the harmattan that we expected to find! God bless you in your work!