Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Living Water

Hi Everyone,

"I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward." Mark 9:41

Back2Back works alongside a ministry called "Self-Sustaining Enterprises"; a ministry that tries to find ways that can get Nigerians involved with enterprises that will give them work and a way to produce an income for their families and SSE also drills boreholes in areas where there is no water supply or where wells no longer produce a viable water source. RCH is a childrens' home that we have had work teams help at, and (picture of the home with the red roof - see above) their water supply never lasts a full year. Now that rainy season is over, in another month or so, their well will produce only muddy water. A family from the states donated the monies needed for the borehole to be drilled and Crist was there a couple of days ago to watch this process. After tests were done, it was determined that they would need to drill about 35 meters (Crist said that is around 38 yards) down. Katerina and Israel (the Directors of RCH) and their daughter, Jireh, are very very thankful for the generosity of the donors. They are so excited to be able to drink clean, safe water from now on.

The picture below looks like the bushes have snow on them. Crist said it was all the mud that was thrown out of the drilled hole. Water is such a precious and necessary commodity and one that we very much take for granted in the United States. Most Nigerians do not have running water. Most have to lug these huge yellow plastic containers around as they either go down to the river or local waterhole or they pay for their water to be trucked to their home.

It makes me think of Christ as the Living Water. So many people are living dry, empty lives. But He came to give refreshment, new life and water that will never go stale. On a hot, dusty and dry afternoon - there's NOTHING better than a big glass of water. But in eternity, the Living Water is much much better.
Chat with you soon!
Eileen and Crist

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