The photo on the left shows what the two-apartment bldg. project looked like last Tuesday. And the picture right below shows what it looked like yesterday. I walked to the property during this past week while they were laying the blocks and as soon as they opened the doors and I entered the compound, there was such a sense of busy-ness and even fun. There were probably five or six women working carrying the cement and blocks on their heads back and forth to the masons and four masons working laying the blocks and probably four young men mixing the cement and pushing wheelbarrows to and fro. Everyone knew what they were supposed to do and it was getting done. I enjoyed watching them.
John is hoping to get it under roof by the end of this coming week. There is still much to get done. Will and Theresa will be arriving to come on full-time with Back2Back sometime in early September. They will be getting one of the apartments. Jason and Emilee, the Directors here for Back2Back will move from the bigger house where the teams stay into the other apartment. With a one-year old toddler, Peyton, walking around, they decided it would be easier for their family when the teams come, to live in a separate place away from the teams.
It's fun watching something grow from almost nothing into something with purpose and definition. Watching the apartments grow is fun to watch but it won't impact me or change me. However, watching the faith journeys grow of many of the people the Lord has directly put into our paths - this is something that is hard to express. Alphonsus, Emmanuel, Dauda, 11 children without parents - all of these in someway the Lord is touching through this ministry.
Have any of you ever considered coming to Nigeria for a visit and seeing how the Lord might use the witness of your life to advance His Kingdom in this part of the world? Pray about might just be the right time for you.
Eileen and Criust
"My Father never stops working, and so I keep working, too." John 5:17
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