These pictures were taken this past week of people that are in our lives and who are impacting what we do here and impacting who we are.
Let me introduce you first to Alphonsus - the man above. I wish he had smiled because he has a wonderful smile. He is the B2B driver and each morning John will give him a list of things to do, errands to run, people to transport, etc. He KNOWS this city like the back of his hand and I always feel safer when Alphonsus is driving. Crist is discipling Alphonsus on Thursday mornings and he is growing in his faith and in his understanding of the Bible which is exciting to watch.
Friday was Abigails 38th birthday party. I think I told you previously that she was going to be 41 - I was wrong - she was 38. OLA had a wonderful birthday party for her and several new and old friends showed up to help celebrate with her. She's been at OLA since she was ten and her wonderful spirit, even while in a wheelchair, has been an encouragement to all who meet her.
Danial is in this next picture. He is on staff with B2B and he is the husband of Evelyn and the father of little Daniel who is five months old. Last week the entire staff met at a nearby retreat center and had a day of planning, sharing and fellowship (and, of course, some eating - grin!). That's where this picture was taken. Daniel's participation on staff is crucial as he is from the Rububa Tribe and speaks their language and that is the tribe of the village we minister to. Daniel is a web designer also who has a passion for the Lord and a wonderful sense of humor.
This last picture is of "Big Momma". She is one of the caregivers at OLA with a heart as big as her name. This little girl she is with used to be an orphan at OLA a couple of years ago. Her parents are dead but her grandfather was living and two years ago, he came and claimed her and took her home with him. But recently, from a routine "check" that OLA does from time to time to see how the children are doing when they leave - they found out that this little girl (I'm sorry, I can't remember her name - I only met her for an instance) was being mistreated - so now she is living with Big Momma. And all she did was smile, smile, smile.
This last picture is of "Big Momma". She is one of the caregivers at OLA with a heart as big as her name. This little girl she is with used to be an orphan at OLA a couple of years ago. Her parents are dead but her grandfather was living and two years ago, he came and claimed her and took her home with him. But recently, from a routine "check" that OLA does from time to time to see how the children are doing when they leave - they found out that this little girl (I'm sorry, I can't remember her name - I only met her for an instance) was being mistreated - so now she is living with Big Momma. And all she did was smile, smile, smile.
Chat with you soon.
Eileen and Crist